Monday, January 1, 1
Complete Lecture
Conceptwise Videos
Consider a vector field given by F = kxi + kyj where k is constant. Can this vector field represent a magnetic field?
Calculate the Magnetic field produced by finite current element.
A wire of length carrying current I is to be bent into a circle or a square each of one turn in which case the magnetic field at the centre be greater.
A finite wire is used to wind six turns around an insulating sphere of radius 'a' such that each turn makes an angle of 30o with the adjacent point on the surface of the sphere. If a current, I is passed through these turns find the magnitude of the magnetic field at the centre of the sphere
A long solid conducting cylinder of radius R has a cylindrical hole of radius 'a' drilled out such that the axis of the hole is parallel to the axis of the cylinder. If b is the distance between two axes and a current, I is passing through the remaining solid cylinder show that mantic field is constant throughout the hole.
The electric field od a plane EMW propagating in free space is given by E = (10i + 15j)sin[4pi*10^6(ct – z)]V/m where c is speed of light in free space, z is in metre a)What is the wavelength of the wave? b)tCalculate the corresponding B field?
NCERT and Reference Books Material
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Notes from the JEE Toppers
Concepts and Formulas to Remember
Content Contributed By
Anoop Kumar, Physics, IIT Kanpur
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