Distance and Directions 4
Distance and Directions 4
Solve the following expression:
140 × 2 + 100 ÷ 5 - 12
140 × 2 + 100 ÷ 5 - 12
?In the following questions, the actual mathematical symbols have been substituted by other notations and symbols. You are required to ascertain the actual symbols and arrive at the correct conclusion from the alternatives given below:
If + means -, - means ×, × means ÷ and ÷ means +, then 15 x 3 ÷ 15 + 5 - 2 = ?
If + means -, - means ×, × means ÷ and ÷ means +, then 15 x 3 ÷ 15 + 5 - 2 = ?
** PARA=Directions: - Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a group of 5, each person has an exclusive and different preference(has/likes) for a pen, a watch and a car. Pen preferences are Parker, Lamy, Pointer, Lexi and Cello. Car preferences are WagonR, Swift, Santro, Mica and City. Watch preferences are Timex, Titan, Fastrack, Samay and Citizen. Suman has Mica and Parker but does not prefer among watches - Titan or Fastrack. The one who has Swift, likes Fastrack. Mrudula has preference for City, Cello and Citizen. Amit has preference for Lamy and Timex. Veena prefers WagonR and Lexi. Harsh's preference for a watch is not Titan.
Q. Which watch is Suman's preference ?
In a group of 5, each person has an exclusive and different preference(has/likes) for a pen, a watch and a car. Pen preferences are Parker, Lamy, Pointer, Lexi and Cello. Car preferences are WagonR, Swift, Santro, Mica and City. Watch preferences are Timex, Titan, Fastrack, Samay and Citizen. Suman has Mica and Parker but does not prefer among watches - Titan or Fastrack. The one who has Swift, likes Fastrack. Mrudula has preference for City, Cello and Citizen. Amit has preference for Lamy and Timex. Veena prefers WagonR and Lexi. Harsh's preference for a watch is not Titan.
Q. Which watch is Suman's preference ?
** PARA=Directions: - Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a group of 5, each person has an exclusive and different preference(has/likes) for a pen, a watch and a car. Pen preferences are Parker, Lamy, Pointer, Lexi and Cello. Car preferences are WagonR, Swift, Santro, Mica and City. Watch preferences are Timex, Titan, Fastrack, Samay and Citizen. Suman has Mica and Parker but does not prefer among watches - Titan or Fastrack. The one who has Swift, likes Fastrack. Mrudula has preference for City, Cello and Citizen. Amit has preference for Lamy and Timex. Veena prefers WagonR and Lexi. Harsh's preference for a watch is not Titan.
Q. Which pen is Harsh's preference?
In a group of 5, each person has an exclusive and different preference(has/likes) for a pen, a watch and a car. Pen preferences are Parker, Lamy, Pointer, Lexi and Cello. Car preferences are WagonR, Swift, Santro, Mica and City. Watch preferences are Timex, Titan, Fastrack, Samay and Citizen. Suman has Mica and Parker but does not prefer among watches - Titan or Fastrack. The one who has Swift, likes Fastrack. Mrudula has preference for City, Cello and Citizen. Amit has preference for Lamy and Timex. Veena prefers WagonR and Lexi. Harsh's preference for a watch is not Titan.
Q. Which pen is Harsh's preference?
** PARA=Directions: - Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a group of 5, each person has an exclusive and different preference(has/likes) for a pen, a watch and a car. Pen preferences are Parker, Lamy, Pointer, Lexi and Cello. Car preferences are WagonR, Swift, Santro, Mica and City. Watch preferences are Timex, Titan, Fastrack, Samay and Citizen. Suman has Mica and Parker but does not prefer among watches - Titan or Fastrack. The one who has Swift, likes Fastrack. Mrudula has preference for City, Cello and Citizen. Amit has preference for Lamy and Timex. Veena prefers WagonR and Lexi. Harsh's preference for a watch is not Titan.
Q. Which watch is Harsh's preference?
In a group of 5, each person has an exclusive and different preference(has/likes) for a pen, a watch and a car. Pen preferences are Parker, Lamy, Pointer, Lexi and Cello. Car preferences are WagonR, Swift, Santro, Mica and City. Watch preferences are Timex, Titan, Fastrack, Samay and Citizen. Suman has Mica and Parker but does not prefer among watches - Titan or Fastrack. The one who has Swift, likes Fastrack. Mrudula has preference for City, Cello and Citizen. Amit has preference for Lamy and Timex. Veena prefers WagonR and Lexi. Harsh's preference for a watch is not Titan.
Q. Which watch is Harsh's preference?
** PARA=Directions: - Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a group of 5, each person has an exclusive and different preference(has/likes) for a pen, a watch and a car. Pen preferences are Parker, Lamy, Pointer, Lexi and Cello. Car preferences are WagonR, Swift, Santro, Mica and City. Watch preferences are Timex, Titan, Fastrack, Samay and Citizen. Suman has Mica and Parker but does not prefer among watches - Titan or Fastrack. The one who has Swift, likes Fastrack. Mrudula has preference for City, Cello and Citizen. Amit has preference for Lamy and Timex. Veena prefers WagonR and Lexi. Harsh's preference for a watch is not Titan.
Q. Who's preference is Swift?
In a group of 5, each person has an exclusive and different preference(has/likes) for a pen, a watch and a car. Pen preferences are Parker, Lamy, Pointer, Lexi and Cello. Car preferences are WagonR, Swift, Santro, Mica and City. Watch preferences are Timex, Titan, Fastrack, Samay and Citizen. Suman has Mica and Parker but does not prefer among watches - Titan or Fastrack. The one who has Swift, likes Fastrack. Mrudula has preference for City, Cello and Citizen. Amit has preference for Lamy and Timex. Veena prefers WagonR and Lexi. Harsh's preference for a watch is not Titan.
Q. Who's preference is Swift?
** PARA=Directions: - Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a group of 5, each person has an exclusive and different preference(has/likes) for a pen, a watch and a car. Pen preferences are Parker, Lamy, Pointer, Lexi and Cello. Car preferences are WagonR, Swift, Santro, Mica and City. Watch preferences are Timex, Titan, Fastrack, Samay and Citizen. Suman has Mica and Parker but does not prefer among watches - Titan or Fastrack. The one who has Swift, likes Fastrack. Mrudula has preference for City, Cello and Citizen. Amit has preference for Lamy and Timex. Veena prefers WagonR and Lexi. Harsh's preference for a watch is not Titan.
Q. Which watch is Veena's preference ?
In a group of 5, each person has an exclusive and different preference(has/likes) for a pen, a watch and a car. Pen preferences are Parker, Lamy, Pointer, Lexi and Cello. Car preferences are WagonR, Swift, Santro, Mica and City. Watch preferences are Timex, Titan, Fastrack, Samay and Citizen. Suman has Mica and Parker but does not prefer among watches - Titan or Fastrack. The one who has Swift, likes Fastrack. Mrudula has preference for City, Cello and Citizen. Amit has preference for Lamy and Timex. Veena prefers WagonR and Lexi. Harsh's preference for a watch is not Titan.
Q. Which watch is Veena's preference ?